Tag Archives: flushing muscle waste

Ultra Marathon Training Tips

29 Dec

I agree with everything Paul James wrote on his blog about training tips.  Here is a quick synopsis of what he wrote:

Here are his top tips and experiences:

1. Get a plan and stick to it – Plan your training.

2. Running efficiency/ technique  – Chi running video.

3. Higher stride rate/ cadence – Chi running video.

4.  One intense workout per week – A 45min run at a faster pace than the other runs

5. Cross training – Add a tramp (hiking), spin class, bike some hills, or go for a swim a few times a week.

6. Stretching key muscle groups – hamstrings, calf, gluts, and hip flexors almost daily

7. Good posture – Chi running video.

8. Rest is important – You need a break so take a break.

9. Training plans are just a guide –  Train to your limits and listen to what your body is telling you.

10. Nutrition – It’s not rocket science and is simple to understand.

11. Sports massage – Flushing muscle waste helps recovery and growth.

12. Tapering – Enjoy the taper- it is the time where you can relax and mend.

13. Walking is ok 🙂 – Things might get a bit much…..so walk for a bit.

As you can see, there are some good tips here while training.  His full article can be seen here.  James has also posted videos to go along with his explanations.

What I like most about his tips is they are all easy to follow and no hocus pocus.  I also love the fact the he includes massage into his training regime. “Flushing muscle waste helps recovery and growth. A good deep tissue massage also acts like the ultimate stretch and gets to parts that solo stretching can’t get to. If it was not for trigger point and deep tissue massages I would not have overcome my ITB syndrome and then onto completing my training. I can’t recommend a good sports massage enough! Just remember that once you start you won’t be able to stop…it’s that good!”

The Stick is an excellent tool to manage ITB Syndrome as well as offering a deep massage.  The Stick is also awesome for flushing muscle waste!

Original Body Stick

